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Thursday, December 10, 2009

New Journey

Tomorrow I start at a new position at my work. I'm pretty excited about it. I'm getting out of sales and getting into the wonderful world of finance. I am truly looking forward to the drastic change in pace and being a little bit more important cog in the wheel of for profit secondary education. I will keep posting my progress and how I end up liking it.

I can't wait for Christmas. It is going to be hard this year as my husband works on Christmas Eve but I know there are others out there that have to work on Christmas Day, or worse, don't have a job at all. So, I am thankful that he is working, I just wish we could spend more time together. I love him dearly and want the best for him. I just know that this is not it. He is not happy and it is tearing me up inside. The worst part is, I know it is tearing him up just as much, if not more.

How does one start over at 36? He has not education except a GED but is amazing at EVERYTHING he puts his mind to and follows through on. That was one of the things that made me fall in love with him. Things come naturally to him. I just wish he believed that and put his mind to something before he runs out of time. Such is life, it is my job to stand by and show my love and support. Something I am still learning to do when he gets his hair brain ideas. But, I love him and will do what I can to help!

Merry Christmas if I don't post before then.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009


So I have these people that are fairly new to my life, however, I grew up with them. We are all trying to get to know each other all over again and it's just turning out to be more confusing than fun. I can't figure them out and I feel like I did something wrong but no one is saying that. I wish people would just confront people when they have an issue or just be a bit more obvious if they have a problem. I have consistantly had this problem since I was a kid.

I make a new friend. We hit it off then after a year, at the most, it gets weird and just ends. Now, I must be honest and admit that when I feel it getting wierd I run. I get uncomfortable and insecure so I just bail. I'll find another friend anyways, right? But at some point it gets tiring and I'm left wondering, "what's wrong with me?" I just want a true blue, honest, not gonna fake it friend. I don't know when the last time I had a friend that I could TRULY be myself around was.

Oh well, that's life, right. Pack up, move on and on the journey you'll find someone else. Chances are, they won't last either and so it goes on.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Is it just me or is figuring this stuff out just a bit confusing? I know I'm not a techno-midget so I'm wondering if maybe it isn't just me. When I look at my main page it has the one blog and then it will only show one ad off to the side. Oh well, at least I have a techno-hunk at home to help me figure it out. :)

Test Run

So...I have spent a lot of time trying to find a "hobby". I feel like there is nothing I'm good at and nothing I am passionate about. I have decided to start blogging about anything and everything that I feel I want to be said. Because, for those of you who know me, if there is one thing I'm good at it's being honest and saying everthing I think and feel. We shall see how this works for me and I hope that anyone reading it finds it enjoyable, is able to relate and entertaining.